Friday, July 08, 2005

Death of Big Labor

It looks like Big Labor is in some serious decline. It seems that less than 8 percent of the United States work force belongs to a union.

I know that it's probably too much to ask of these people, but maybe they should just realize that they have become irrelevant and close up shop.

Let people negotiate as individuals for pay and benefits. I actually have no problem with organized labor in principle, it's just that an employer is required by law to enter in to negotiations with a union. If a bunch of employees want to get together and say say they're all quitting if they don't get a raise, the employer should have the option of firing them all if he wants to.

Anyone remember the Longshorman's strike a few years back? They wanted to protect their jobs from the encroachment of technology on to the docks. These people get paid tons of money to do almost no work and they make everything we buy from overseas more expensive and they just want to protect their phony-baloney jobs from efficiency. They don't care about the rest of us at all. In a free market, the ineffecient resource (lazy dock workers) would be priced out of the market by technology and forced to seek other employment and balancing out the labor force.

Did I mention that I hate unions? I hate unions.