Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Tick Tock

Daylight savings time starts this Sunday at 2:00 AM.

You probably already know that already but what you might not know is that this will affect some of your electronics. Namely, it will affect your computers. With Windows XP for example, if you do not have auto updates turned out, you probably have not got the DST patch necessary and your clock will not change accordingly.

If you are using Windows 2000 Professional or Server, the clock also will not change without a VERY expensive patch issued by Microsoft.

Here is the low tech solution to your problem. Double click your clock on the bottom right of your screen. Click the Time Zone tab and then un-check the box marked "Automatically Adjust Clock For Daylight Saving Changes".

Now here's the important part*********** Before you go to bed Saturday night, MANUALLY adjust the time on your computer ahead one hour.

See? Now who says my blog isn't actually helpful?